Support Us

There are many ways to support the Children’s BookFest from individual donations and sponsorship to volunteering.

Support the BookFest

It is our mission to ensure that every child we reach will receive a new book signed by the author. Children’s BookFest is a charity which relies on the generosity of all its supporters to raise 100% of its annual costs. 

A small gift can make a huge difference to the Children’s BookFest, the benefits to our children and grandchildren are wide-ranging. It is our aim this year to reach 6000 children and young people across Chichester and Bognor.


1 in 15 children and young people aged 8 to 18 do not have a book of their own at home.

Children who say they have a book of their own are six times more likely to read above the level expected for their age than their peers who don’t own a book.

– National Literacy Trust

“It’s a very, very special rule of thumb that CBF offers every child a book.”

— Kate Wilkinson, author

Books, books, books

Our aim is to change the statistic that “nearly 1 in 10 children from disadvantaged backgrounds said they did not own a book of their own”. In order to provide the books for the food banks and for the schools for the festival we are asking for your support. You can see below that just £50 will provide books, and a whole lot of joy, to 10 children. If you feel you can support us click on any of the icons below or on the donate button at the top of each page.

Five children engrossed in books sitting together on an outside bench


Every penny donated to the Children’s BookFest gets us closer to our aim of providing every child in West Sussex with their very own book. For as little as £5 you can help guarantee a child will have the opportunity to be inspired and get reading.

Two hands supporting an open book as though it was flying


There are other ways to help out too. You could be an author or illustrator, a teacher or a fellow book enthusiast looking to help inspire the next generation to become passionate readers. Please get in touch to find out more.


Friends of the Children’s BookFest

We are so grateful to the following individuals and organisations for their continued support of the Children’s BookFest

and those who wish to remain anonymous